Monday, March 15, 2021

Hi i'm Alyssa

I have been working on reptile park  


  1. Hi Alyssa,
    It's Mrs M here. I enjoyed reading your work and found it interesting that the frills around a lizard's neck are to help scare away predators, I think they look more like a beautiful necklace. Reading your post reminded me of how scared I am of pretty much all of these things. What about you?
    I am looking forward to reading more of the work that you are doing in class; I love that you picked up on how to use Google Slides so quickly, what a super star!
    Have a great day,
    Mrs M

  2. hey there i'm izzy from South Hornby School. I liked the way you put the all facts. Didn't Know that the alligators cool down like that. I noticed that you put a lizard or something like that.Did you do this with some one? from izzy


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